After yesterday's opening ceremony, today wednesday 18 The competition has begun with an acceleration test and a short rally of 23 kilometers of travel.
The acceleration test 200 meters long, has raised a lot of expectations, Well, let's remember that it is no longer part of the Enduro race format of our days.
The scratch winner was the German Bert Von Ziztzewit, followed by the Frenchman Jean Ives Raudrant and Josep Ventanachs. Álex Llobet was fifth and Santi López eighth.
Tomorrow starting at nine in the morning, almost rally 60 km. and the first specials.
Xavier Castey, race director: “Today's day has been a good contact. Tomorrow we will go towards Guils, Ger and Fontanals. We will have a rally with two laps of the route with a section and test. The rally will take place on somewhat rocky terrain, few clues, walking trails. It is not an impossible journey, but yes tired, will have to work… ”
PHOTOS: Future7Media